Find Your Inner Peace at ZenEscape

Explore ancient traditions with experienced teachers at our spiritual retreat center.

Peaceful environment
Experienced teachers

“Found my inner peace at ZenEscape.”

Aria Sanchez

Aria Sanchez

Buddha-Lab Retreat

Spiritual retreat experience

Connect with your inner self and explore ancient traditions at our retreat center.

Deepen your practice

Our retreat helps you deepen your spiritual practice through immersive experiences led by experienced teachers.
Deepen your practice

Find inner peace

Escape the chaos of daily life and find inner peace through meditation, yoga, and spiritual teachings.
Find inner peace

Connect with like-minded individuals

Meet others on a similar spiritual journey, share experiences, and grow together in a supportive community.
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"ZenEscape transformed my spiritual journey."

Victoria Allen

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ZenEscape was a life-changing experience. It helped me connect with my inner self, find peace, and learn from experienced teachers. - Scarlett Mitchell

Because of Bodhi Wake Rinpoche's experience in Dark Retreat, this page was put up to assist with incoming questions: The answer is always: research Lineage Thogal/ Trekchod and consult AI. And! ... create your own ARDTiLYS - a word that also means a collection of artists and skills. Otherwise, you were probobly invited here to collaborate or saw a video and wanted to learn more. Now, imagine one was able, like the greatest of yogis, to exit a body, free of desire, resting in the bliss of non-duality, at will... On the last breath, recognizing the great dreamer as one's own self, the inner light growing with the celestial sounds of the spheres, as the consciousness rises at body-death, then expands out of the crown, into the greatest love and luminosity possible?! Why is this not practiced all day and everyday of this fading dream? it used to be, when we lived in India, missed the opportunity, and then got recycled here. If you are a visionary, influencer and/ or extremely in alignment with my work, and want to share it, then this page is a brief overview so that you may investigate with the greatest potential, any future data that I can serve. The page is not selling retreats. What appears as "I", only gathered some rare experiences out of desperation to survive. When my year of kundalini psychosis and no sleep was on the road to recovery from a lifestyle of Dark Retreat, then eventually, relationships with the best master yogis I could find, scouring asia for a decade, began to blossom. It was clear that even they, renounced as they mostly were, had human setbacks and also need spiritual community to support the olympic level game of liberation. The idea here is to be that for each other. Similarly, the unbroken lineage of enlightenment in Tibet, famed for its yogis capable of achieving a conscious death seated in meditation, traces its roots to King Trison Detson’s 814CE decree to simplify the enlightenment language of Sanskrit for the nomads of Tibet. His supreme “inner art” collection of India’s most accomplished masters resulted in the profound teachings of Tibet to blossom as an unparalleled culture of realization. Cut to 2025, and the action also takes place at, ARDTiLYS aka Buddhalab , on a barrier island off the coast of the southern usa. The mission, again is to share "a synthesis of lineage arts, commentaries on misguided commercializations, and "a computer model for enlightenment" in short gatherings to help as efficiently as possible, this new AI age of "generation liberation". Because of my limited time, this invite is for advanced yogis / influencers & thought leaders, who want to upgrade their practice and share it with their followers. Areas of main focus are lineage hatha yoga shatkarmas, The foundation of all Tibetan practices: Gtummo and the six yogas of naropa Tao Inner Alchemy, and Bonpo Threefold Body of Enlightnemt as it relates to Ati Yog, Dzogchen and Dark Retreat/ Thogal. Current projects are commentaries/ translations of Bonpo (18,000 year old shamanic pre Buddhist cave yogi instructions) lineage classic teachings into “a computer model of enlightenment” so they are preserved and serve w the highest possible potentiality.

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