“"Bodhi knows the End Game; the Exit Strategy; He is the most advanced Dark Retreat practitioner I know, and a precious collaborator. Pay extreme attention.”
Grand-Master Mantak Chia
If you have mastery please reach out
Using AI and Youtube, we can find truly beautiful spiritual training online, discovering treasures worthy of practice and sharing. But in reality, like any great craft, skill is built on devotion, time and trust while serving those at top of the game… and getting feedback from YOU! That is what we are growing here. A GLOBAL FAMILY OF SELF-REALIZED BEINGS. for background on living inspirations... click link below:
“Bodhi's experience transcends cultures, more than any teacher or training I have ever experienced. I have a monastery in Sikkhim and also am a self recognized reincarnation whose guru is KDL Rinpoche and his Son, now head of the Monastery I began my monastic life at age 3. After coming out of 9 year retreat, I met "Wake" and gave him the name, "Bodhi". "Bodhi passed all the tests, and I recognize Bodhi as a "Rinpoche". A precious gem that is a self recognized reincarnation. We all are reincarnations, but some get to the subtle memory. So the Dharma police can rest assured, Bodhi has my Darshan to stand by both of his names. I wish more people cared enough to take on a totally new identity for the sake of liberation. Bodhi has the ability to cut through stuck patterns and raise the game to Olympic level. I've seen him practice for a decade, without trying to monetize his experience. I feel this is an authentic desire to help, for those able to do the work. to prepare for the ultimate destination ... freedom from the mind and body - His Holiness KL Rinpoche ”
Our Friend, Geshe Lungrig. Everyone is a master and has had the glimpse... stabilizing is the long game
"He has earned the title Rinpoche, and has more dark retreat experience than anyone outside of Tibet. "
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